We take environment and social justice issues very seriously

Gummy Bear's self-impose tax, 20% for the Planet, provides support to environmental and social justice nonprofits working to protect our earth and community.

Our success is interwined with the Earth...

Our sucess would not have been possible without the support of the communities in which we operate in. From the land that provides the fertile ground for our mushroom harvest, to the water that nourishes the ingredients we use, to the hardworking individuals who are a crucial part of our supply chain, these resources have played a vital role in our success. As such, it is our responsibility to give back to these communities and make investments to protect our Earth.

We have a greater responsibility as a business...

We believe that as a profitable business, we have the obligation to do a lot more than just creating the best products for customers. We understand that as a business, we are able to have a great financial and social impact to help address our world's most pressing issues.

We encourage you to help create a better world in your own way. It might seem scary right now, but you are more capable than you think.

Godfrey and Sam

  • Earthjustice

    Earthjustice is a nonprofit environmental law organization. They wield the power of law to protect people’s health, to preserve places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change.

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  • The Sierra Club

    The Sierra Club is one of the most enduring grassroots environmental organization in the United States, amplifying the power of 3.8 million members and supporters to defend everyone’s right to a healthy world.

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  • Thrive Scholars

    Thrive Scholars help high-achieving, low-income underrepresented students get into and graduate from top colleges, gain a professional network, and to equip them to achieve their full career potential.

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  • Trees for the Future

    Trees for the Future (TREES) trains communities on agroforestry and sustainable land use so that they can grow vibrant economies, thriving food systems, and a healthier planet. They also help restore degraded land.

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  • Earth Law Center

    Earth Law Center seeks to transform laws,policies and governance systems to recognize the inherent rights of all earth’s inhabitants and ecosystems to coexist, thrive and evolve - nature should be able to defend itself.

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  • Ecojustice Canada

    Ecojustice is Canada’s largest environmental law charity. They go to court to defend nature and fight for a healthy environment. They beleive that effective laws can protect the planet and hold those in power accountable.

    Learn more 

Are you a grassroot organization in need of funding? Contact us!